第八十四章 利益绑定的婚姻

作者: 望梦 字数:1041




  “Daniel, aren't you going to pick someone to dance with this year? Every girl here is after you.”(丹尼尔,你今年不选个舞伴吗?这里的每一个女孩了可都是冲着你来的。)

  夏小天轻呼一口气不紧不慢的后退了一步,“What do you mean, Daniel's the only handsome guy in here!”(你什么意思,daniel可不是这里唯一的帅哥!)




  “I just came from Mrs. Maxwell's, Look at Mia. Are you mad at her again?”(我刚从麦克斯太太哪里回来,看米娅那个样子。你又惹她生气了?)

  “I mess with her? Oh, come on, It's not like you don't know. I'm sick of her pestering me around.”(我惹她了?拜托,你又不是不知道。我最烦她老是缠着我。)

  “I know you don't like Mia, But she's the one your family's arranged to marry anyway, Even if you don't approve of a marriage that binds the two families together, But no matter what you say, there is an engagement in front of outsiders. Face problem should be done or do.”(我知道你不喜欢米娅,但她是你的家人安排结婚的那个人,即使你不赞成两个家庭用绑定利益的婚姻把你们联系在一起,但不管怎么说,在外人面前你们两个都是有婚约的。面子问题应该做的还是要做做。)


  “You think so?”(你也这么觉得?)

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